Friday, 30 May 2014

Desteni 'Going Down the Drain'

15 Oct 2013, a journalist from international arts, culture and news magazine, Vice, posted at the Desteni forum

4 March 2014, the same journalist posted at the Cult Education Institute Forum and implied that 'Destonians' had been unwilling to arrange interviews with him. He asked for anyone with direct experience of 'Desteni' to send him an email, and whether the group 'is evolving, or just withering away'. 

The next day, the Destenigossip blog expressed the view that Desteni is 'pretty much done for'.

Since its founder, Bernard Poolman, died in August 2013, Desteni appears to be far less active than it was back in 2007-12. Several members no longer seem to have the prominent online presence they once had.

On 20 May 2014, long-time 'Destonian', Viktor Persson, published an article entitled, Day 139: Look At What They Are Doing!, discussing how he became emotionally distraught at seeing Desteni fall apart. It began:
Recently some reactions have come up within me wherein I’ve experienced irritation, annoyance, as well as fear and anxiety towards the point of seeing the Desteni-group fall apart and not anymore walking together. 
I have for example been observing some individuals that in the past were avid spokespersons for Desteni and the principle of ‘What is best for all’ slowly fade away – and towards this I’ve then had the backchat come up within me: ‘But don’t they understand how important this is? Don’t they understand that walking in a group is the only things that will make a difference?’ 
This irritation have been accompanied with worry, as well as blame – blaming those that are not walking anymore as being the cause for the group not moving as I want it to move, and for me becoming worried that ‘Everything is going down the drain’.

Within hours, Persson's 'Day 139' post was deleted (the complete cached article can be read here) from both his website and the Desteni forum. The following day, Persson changed his title for 'Day 139' to Emotion as Divergence Tactic.

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Desteni Process Exposed as a Game

Monty Jonson reports:

To break away from Desteni for most Destonians would also be a loss of self-empowerment because their starting point for breath was not themselves but rather the very predictable subtle intention of 'belonging in a group and believing I am doing the right thing.' 
'Intention' in Desteni was simply put - Starting Point. 
Magick, well, magic is Self-Correction, Self-Empowerment, Self-Honesty. 
Self-forgiveness is a way of removing guilt, 'cause guilt is unnecessary and can get in the way of so much. 
Once enough self-forgiveness is done the brain gets used to the idea of forgiving itself for everything and from that point on all self-forgiveness may as well be masturbation. 
It's nice, it makes you feel good. That's the way Bernard intended it to be used. 
What I am trying to make you senior Destonians understand is that this was a planned structure from the start. 
Bernard said himself, after visiting the masters and discovering the state of the bullshit reality and the lack of willingness for anyone in actual powerful ability to do anything about it, driven by anger, he desired to be and create the biggest demon imaginable. 
He has spoken many things that are incongruent with the Desteni teachings, but because you were under his spell/hypnosis (not specifically directly, mainly indirectly due to your desire to achieve 'gnosis' (whatever that whiz bang definition is for you!) and unwillingness to do it on your own steam looking for the closest thing that will do to ease the pain you feel when you think of all the children that are dieing all over the world) you never saw what he was actually teaching YOUR BODIES. 
Maybe now you will.